Savings campaign Cederic
Cederic, our medical care dog, needs your help. Senior Cederic is one of our dogs who, due to circumstances, could no longer stay with his adopters
Are you considering adopting a dog or cat? Under Adoption Info you will find additional information such as the adoption procedure, the arrival of your foreign dog, or foreign diseases. If you want to help an (extra) dog or cat, you can also foster an animal remotely adopt virtually. If you use the filters for dogs and cats for adoption to search more specifically, take a look at the Langzitters, Seniors, or Projectjes. Maybe you are their perfect match, and you do an extra nice rescue!
Adopting a dog or cat from abroad saves lives! You can hear their voice in the stories of our lucky ones in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, UK or elsewhere… “You cannot save all the animals in the world, but you can save the world of one dog or cat.”
These three little ones were the last ones of a hunter who was accused of neglect. Three survivors of a family were the only ones left. They fought and fought, but no one took them. They are nevertheless enormous sweethearts, and we therefore adopted these last three into our large family.
Their brother has been enjoying his Forever Home for a while now, these 2 boys are a bit reserved at first but towards people they know they are real pearls! Where can these brothers enjoy their own Forever Home forever and ever?!
Sometimes things can go strangely with close friendships. Ceres and Afrodita have both chosen their own paths and we noticed that they slowly started to need each other's company less and less. They have gained enough self-confidence to go their own way. That is why we have decided to no longer offer them as a duo.
Ceres and Afrodita come from the same home, they were given up due to lack of time.
The first week they were both very scared, they were curled up together and wouldn't even look at us. Afrodita was the first to approach her, she carefully came for a sniff and you could also stroke her perfectly at that moment. Ceres only watched it from a distance, but a few days later he stood up to Aphrodita. This nice duo remains a bit timid but has a golden character.
Cederic, our medical care dog, needs your help. Senior Cederic is one of our dogs who, due to circumstances, could no longer stay with his adopters
Do you ever receive gift vouchers that you then do nothing with? Or do you have no idea what to buy? Then donate your gift voucher
WHAT DO WE DO AND WHAT DO WE STAND FOR? We are a Belgian-Dutch organization that rescues unwanted dogs and cats in southern Spain. We buy dogs free
Fabienne, founder of ACE|SHIN, shares in her diary – almost daily – the stories of life within the rescue center “de refugio”; place of recovery and hope. More than 20.000 dogs and cats have already left here for their Forever Homes in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain or elsewhere….
Adopters regularly share their experiences with adopting a foreign dog/cat through the stories of their ACE|SHIN dog or cat. They are the best voice for those who got a rematch, sometimes against various prejudices! Read their happy, funny, moving and special stories in the Geluksvogels Journaal.
ACE|SHIN has a large group of animal lovers who support our Foundation through volunteer work (such as taking in animals or collecting goods), sponsoring, promotion and actions or organizing activities. In Barking News we share all the news and updates here!
The In Memoriam diary is the last diary of our adopted four-legged friends. Often they have gone into the beloved hands of their owner. The dogs and cats that die in the refugio during the year are remembered annually during the ACE|SHIN anniversary on December 11.